“Mom, be a girl again"

“Mom, be a girl again”. Read an advertisement on Amazon. Tears rolled from my eyes when sitting on my verandah, I grew nostalgic recalling a moment of life. That moment was my millennial princess handed over to me something, something that has stood very precious. She won my heart that day. And I am here just because of her. Wondering what did she give to me? And where am I? Hold on. Let me take you…. To the day, where I trekked a bold mountain for the first time in my life. I was 13 and had always imagined tall skyscrapers as my world. My childhood Sundays, so far as I remember, were either taken up for a visit to greatest nearby monuments or my dancing class or by Papa’s surprise weekly visits since he had to stay in another city for work. Ah...Yes...Pretty much that’s it. Of course, I loved it, and I would innocently conclude that that is my world, where life exists, where humanity exists. Till date, I would chuckle at my weird imagination and tell such stories to my chi...