The travel story of a single parent!

I was 6 when my father passed away. Since then my mom has been my father. She is my Super-mom. Personally, I was too little to understand what happened. In just a matter of few minutes, my mom’s life turned upside down. Sometimes, I ask her about her feelings pent up all throughout these years, but she wouldn’t tell me. She wouldn’t budge at any cost. And so even I discontinued this conversation. What better display of emotions have I experience, if not for her regular day to day activities. Since then, yes, the place of a fatherly touch was left vacant, but my mom left no stone unturned to fill the space within bare minimum time. Such unconditional love! Such magnificent heart! Such brevity! People can just read and imagine the situation, but I, I have felt it so deep, that it pierced my heart to see the pain in the eyes of my mom, each passing day. Her 50 th birthday was due just a month back. It called for a grand silver jubilee celebrations. All throu...